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Mark 1

April 23, 2023
Evening Service

The author of this gospel is Mark, or John Mark as he is called in the Book of Acts.  It is commonly believed that though Mark wrote this gospel, it we from Simon Peter’s perspective and first-hand knowledge.  Mark’s mother had a large house in Jerusalem and was used for a meeting place for believers.  It may have been through that venue that Peter knew Mark and it is possible that he led him to the Lord.  Peter refers to him as “Mark my son” in his first letter (I Pet 5:13).  The gospel focuses on two attributes of Jesus portraying Him as the Servant (ch 1-10) and the Sacrifice (11-16).  Jesus was a Servant on the move, instantly responsive to the Will of the Father.  He highlights this part of His ministry as being a Teacher, Preacher and Healer in the first section.  Mark goes into great depth to highlight Jesus’ redemptive ministry as from chapter 11-16 are all events that occurred during one week (the Passion week).  Mark is more of a fact writer and lets the narrative speak for itself without many comments from him.  He does not record Jesus’ birth or lineage as Matthew and Luke do so well, but he seems to jump right into the ministry similar to how John began his gospel.

Mark 1:1-8 “The forerunner of the Servant”

·        Mark begins with the prophesies fulfilled in John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus to come onto the scene.

·        John considered himself unworthy to “stoop down and loose His sandal strap.”

·        His message was “I baptize with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

Mark 1:9-11 Jesus’ baptism

·        Here is where we see all three of the personalities of God in one place.  Jesus being baptized, the Holy Spirit descending as a dove, and the Father’s voice declaring Jesus as His Son in whom He is well pleased.

·        Jesus was not baptized to remove His sins as He had none.  He was baptized as an example for us to follow and imitate.

Mark 1:12-13 Jesus temptations

·        Mark does not share many details but stresses the length, location and the tempter.

Mark 1: 14-20 The work of the Servant/Call of the first Disciples

·        Mark states that it was after John’s imprisonment that Jesus’ ministry really began.

·        Jesus calls two sets of brothers who are all fishermen and promises to change their focus to becoming “fishers of men.”  This is a wonderful scene portrayed in “The Chosen” Season 1.  The four men leaving all they know to answer Jesus’s call to “Follow Me.”

Mark 1:21-28 Demons cast out

·        Notice Mark’s writing style, lots of facts and very little analysis or comments from him. 

·        He jumps right into the ministry telling us of Jesus’ casting out of an unclean spirit showing His authority over them.

·        His fame begins to grow.

Mark 1:29-31 Healing of Peter’s Mother-in-law

·        This is significant in that it shows Simon Peter was indeed married.  The Catholic church disputes this fact as they teach Peter was the first Pope and was unmarried.

·        His touch is followed by immediate healing (and she served them).

Mark 1:32-39 Multiple healings

·        Jesus healed all who came to Him regardless of their sickness being physical or spiritual.  He also silenced the spirits from proclaiming His identity as it was not time yet.

·        His ministry did not stay put for along as they were constantly moving never staying anywhere for long.  You know each town would have wanted Him to stay much longer, but He had to move to fulfill His purposes.

Mark 1:40-45 A leper is cleansed

·        Notice his faith; “If You are willing You can make me clean.” 

·        Notice the compassion of Jesus, reaching out and touching an “untouchable man” with leprosy.  It may have been years since this man had felt another person’s touch as lepers were shunned and treated as outcasts.

·        “I am willing, be cleansed.”  Immediately the leprosy left him.

·        He sends him on his way, not to spread His fame, but to fulfill the Law of Moses as we read about in Leviticus.

·        His fame however, did spread as how can you be healed of such an awful disease in such a miraculous way and not tell someone!

·        A picture is worth a thousand words.  The Chosen does such as awesome job of taking the scripture and bringing it to life before our eyes to understand the moment in a much deeper manner.

The Chosen Season 1-The healing of the leper

·        The same compassion we see in Jesus here in this account is the same compassion in which Jesus brings to us in our time of need and suffering.  We love Him because He first loved us!