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February 21, 2021
Morning Service

Last week on our journey with Jesus began as He called us to “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”  Jesus has called us to simply follow Him and He then promises us to make us successful fishermen by showing us what to do.  This is a great example of the statement we often make that “God doesn’t call the qualified, but qualifies the called.”  He chose simple, but faithful, ordinary men and empowered them to change the world.  The Holy Spirit in our lives does the same thing for us.  Our calling is to obediently follow and leave the results up to Him; He is leading and we are following.  After being called and immediately dropping everything to follow Jesus, look at what these men saw their new Master doing.

Mat 4:23-25 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.  (24)  Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them.  (25)  Great multitudes followed Him—from Galilee, and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan.

            Stop and really think about this a minute.  It had been 400 years since God had sent a prophet to speak to His chosen people of Israel.  John the Baptist got things started by coming out of the wilderness proclaiming “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  A Carpenter and His small band of followers now begin to travel around Galilee teaching and preaching the gospel message.  His words are like no other person they had ever heard.  He speaks with authority but with great compassion captivating His audience.  If His words were not enough, look at the things He was also doing.  “Healing all kinds of sickness and disease.”  ALL those who came to Him were healed; all type of disease, demon possession, epileptics, paralytics, ALL were healed!!  He spoke the words of being the long awaited Messiah and then proceeded to prove it by the works He was doing.  Heb. 11:6 tells us in order to have faith, “we must believe that He is who He says He is;” these actions certainly should create an unflappable faith within us.  He healed them all, every single one.  We too have each seen Jesus move in our lives and can testify what He has done for us.  What we read in the scriptures and experience Jesus moving in our own lives that should confirm to us that the One we are following is the Christ the Son of the Living God!

  As you can expect His fame grew quickly and “great multitudes followed Him” wherever He went.  There was no stopping Him now as His ministry has went from hot coals to a flaming fire.  As we start His famous “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus begins to instruct us on what it takes to be fishers of men; a faithful follower of the Christ.  These next 3 chapters are probably the clearest, most concise and straightforward teaching that we have on what it means to be a Jesus follower.  We have read and studied this passage many times, but I know this time we will see something new and challenging, that is how the Spirit works.  It begins with what is referred to as the “Beatitudes.”


Mat 5:1-11 And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him.  (2)  Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:

(3) "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  

(4)  Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

 (5)  Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.  

(6)  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.  

(7)  Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.  

(8)  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

 (9)  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

 (10)  Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

 (11)  "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. (12)  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

            Jesus begins this wonderful teaching with words that seem to contradict each other.  He is simply setting the tone for the journey ahead because what He is teaching contradicts the world’s view of things.  To faithfully follow and become a fisher of men, we must be ready and willing to do things that seem strange or “different.”  It is a transforming perspective on life that has never before been presented in this manner.  You must be willing to give when others take, love when others hate, serve when other seek service.  It is only through surrender that we can attain certain victory; to the world that sounds crazy.  Let’s take a quick look at these attitudes that should be flourishing in our walk with Jesus.  “Blessed are…”


The poor in spirit for they acknowledge their own helplessness and rely fully upon God to fulfill their spiritual needs.  We cling to the truth that we are nothing without Him and are comfortable with that.  They are given the kingdom of heaven and see it in action. (John 1:51)

Those who mourn as they see the world through Jesus’ eyes and share in the sorrow and struggles of others.  We see this fallen world and mourn knowing that there is a better way.  These shall be comforted in a coming day where “God shall wipe away every tear from their eye.” (Rev. 21:4)

The meek they purposely choose humble to themselves and act in a gentle and mild manner to those around us.  We accept the role of being part of God’s story, not Him being part of ours.  The meek are the ones who will inherit the earth. (Psalms 37:11)

Those who hunger and thirst because they have a passion for righteousness in their own lives.  We seek to grow our relationship with our Savior and display fruits that prove that is true and are never satisfied but seek more from God daily.  We are nourished, sustained and completed in Christ our Lord.  We who hunger shall be filled. (Isa. 55:1)

The merciful for they are actively compassionate seeking mercy rather than justice.  As Christ showed mercy to us forgiving our sins, we imitate Him by being merciful, patient, and longsuffering with others.  We who show mercy shall receive mercy. (Eph. 2:4)

The pure in heart for their conscience is clean and motives are set squarely upon following Christ.  We seek to keep our mind clear of evil thoughts and centered upon the things in Phil. 4:8; things that are noble, just, pure, lovely of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy.  The pure in heart are granted to see God one day. (I Cor. 13:12)

Peacemakers who actively intervene to make peace in difficult situations.  We do not sit on the sidelines of life, but are in the game investing our time and energy in serving others and seeking ways to bring peace to a world full of turmoil.  Peacemakers shall be called the sons of God. (Gal 4:7)

Those who are persecuted, not for their own wrong doings, but for “righteousness sake.”  Our integrity condemns the ungodly world and brings hostility towards us.  Our life of light reveals to them the darkness they are living in and that creates persecution.  To these belong the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 25:21)

Finally, those who are reviled, persecuted, and treated with evil simply because we follow Jesus.  These things are laid upon us just as Jesus promised; “the persecuted Me and they will also persecute you.” (John 15:20) The prophets and disciples were beaten, jailed and martyred for their faith in Jesus.  Those who are persecuted for Christ’s sake shall receive a great reward in heaven.  (I Pet. 4:14)

My challenge to you this morning is to take time today or sometime this week and look at yourself in your spiritual mirror.  Reread this passage and look up the scripture I have attached to each reward promised and see how it applies.  Ask yourself some honest questions; Are you displaying these attitudes?  Which one needs the most work and effort to bring it into line?  We will do this over the next few weeks as Jesus continues to teach us of what it means to be fishers of men.  Jesus is speaking these words to you, listen like you never have before.  He is investing in you and has things for you to accomplish for His kingdom.  Don’t just hear His words, do something with them and watch the change that will occur in your life.  Create that hunger and thirst for righteousness within your life and allow Him to fill you.


Heavenly Father, thank You for these challenging words.  Please open our hearts to the true understanding of what You desire for us to become.  Use us to fulfill Your purpose in this world.