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Father's Day Challenge 2018

June 17, 2018
Morning Service

Mark Twain said “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around.  But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned.

I am sure we all agree with this statement.  The advice our father gave us as teenagers was useless, but somewhere in our twenties we began to seek after his advice and treasure it.  I remember some advice while we installed some speakers in my first car that tells that story well.  Today is the day we have set aside to celebrate our fathers in person or their memory; this also includes those who have been father figures in our lives (all given to us by our Heavenly Father).  These men gave us our first glimpse of what God was like; hopefully one that exemplified love, responsibility, and authority.

            Being a father is no easy job as it can be a difficult, demanding and sometimes thankless load to carry.  It is by God’s design that we have been placed in the leadership role of our families from the very beginning.  He held Adam responsible for the fall to sin in the garden, not Eve and told her that he would have rule over her.  Today as we celebrate our fathers, I will also issue a challenge out to each of us who are fathers or have those who look to us as father figures.  Ladies, I ask you to take the perspective that if you recognize a problem then think what are you doing to help your husband to overcome it. Don’t sit there and elbow your husband on the key points, but please take note on the things he may need help with and show your support in fulfilling your role and assist him to be the leader of your home.  Also look into your life and evaluate whether these things are there as well.  We will look at 3 things that Paul encouraged us to flee from and then 6 things to pursue.

1 Cor. 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits fornication sins against his own body. 

·        Men we must be pure within our marriage relationship.  This includes both physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  We committed to our spouse in a vow before God and many witnesses so we need to stay true to our word.  Communication is the key to keeping a marriage healthy.  Talk about needs and expectations openly and don’t assume your spouse can read your mind.  We need to invest in our wives leading, supporting, and nurturing them creating an atmosphere where she feels secure, loved and cared for.  We are commanded to love her as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.

·           Paul tells us to “Flee” from sexual immorality which means run from it!  I think of Joseph when Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him and he ran away leaving his coat behind.  We must put up guard rails in our lives that keep us on track and away from detours (Mike Pence).  Allow other men into your life to hold you accountable for your actions and always communicate with your wife.  We are better together.  Set sexual purity as a goal; our body, mind, and heart.  Be satisfied in your marriage bed.

·        Ladies you can help here.  A man who is happy does not tend to wonder away.  You are his “help mate” to be his supporter, encourager, and home maker.  You can set the environment for your man to become the leader God intended him to be or also you can create the environment for him to fail.


1 Corinthians 10:14 Therefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.

·        Idolatry-Excessive attachment or for anything, or that which borders on adoration.

·        Basically idolatry is anything that is in your life that you place ahead of God.  It could be a person, hobby, thing or even your career.  God needs to be first in your life without any debate (Matt. 6:33).  Is there something in your life that if God asked you to give it to Him you would have to think twice?  That may be an idol.  I had to give up softball.

·        What is your view of church?  Is it a priority or is it something to do when there is nothing else to do?  It is so important that we exemplify to our children the importance of our commitment to our church and church family.  The world is very alluring and calling for them.  I believe our commitment to our church mirrors our commitment to Christ.  We need to view it that we get to go to church not that we have to.  If it is not that way in your mind, your need to be in prayer about it and get your priorities in order.

·        Hobbies are important and have their place in our lives as a stress relief, as long as it stays in the proper perspective.  We are to be careful to not allow ourselves to get caught up in our activities that we place them ahead of God or even our families.  “Flee” from those temptations when you see they hinder your relationship with God.  Take time to look at your life and see if there could possibly be an idol there.


1 Timothy 6:10-11  For the love of money is a root of all evils, of which some having lusted after, they were seduced from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  (11)  But you, O man of God, flee these things.

·        In these times of wealth and prosperity it is very easy to get caught up in the “love of money” and the “love of stuff.”  The American dream has become a race to get as much stuff as quickly as possible.  Young married couples now a day want what their parents had to work years to attain and they want it right now.  The media does a great job of glamorizing extra things into “must have needs.”  We have storage buildings built to hold onto stuff that we just had to have but it must go to make room for our new stuff.  Paul again encourages us to “Flee” from this love of money and stuff.

·         Financial struggles are a big part of marriage troubles simply because we spend more than we make.  Be good stewards of what God gives you and trust Him to help you along the way.  This again is a point that you and your wife need to be constantly communicating about and be sure you are on the same page.  Budget in money to spend on things you enjoy just don’t let it become an obsession.  Don’t get caught “conforming” to the way of the world, but be transformed into living the way God wants you to being careful not to get caught up in materialism.


(11)  But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness.

·        Paul then challenges us to pursue after these things.  He wants us to make these things priorities in our lives.  Pursue, seek and work at getting these things into your life.

Righteousness-Purity of heart which willingly conforms to God’s law.

Godliness-Following Christ and seeking to imitate His example motivated by love.

Faith-Choosing to believe God at His word and act upon it even when it doesn’t make sense.

Love-Showing compassion and affection for God and others.

Patience-Enduring trials and difficult times with a calm demeanor that trusts God is in control.

Meekness-Display a gentle, humble spirit placing others needs ahead of your own.

·        When we desire and seek these attributes in our life more than we seek after sexual immorality, idolatry, or money we are on the road to being pleasing in God’s sight and being blessed for doing His will.

·        In the end the question that we have to answer is “Who owns my heart?”  By making a diligent effort to flee these three things and pursue the six attributes Paul encouraged us to, we are displaying that God is in control of our lives.  Remember or life is a journey and we can only take one step at a time.  Keep walking with Christ and allow Him to change your heart and life.


Father, thank You for Your Word that is a light into our very souls.  Please bless us with the desire to place You first in our lives.