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In Remembrance Of Me

May 3, 2015
Evening Service

This morning Paul explained to the church how the communion service was to be observed.  He did not explain it in great detail, but he commanded it be done in a “worthy manner.” 

My commentary explained a little deeper about what Paul was speaking of in the early church.  There was a celebration the church observed called the “agape or love feast.”  It was not long before it began to be abused and became more of a party than a shared meal.  They even lost focus of the basics of their Christian faith.  The rich would bring lavish meals and not even share with the poorer members who had nothing.  This naturally developed division and strife within the fellowship.  Others even drank to excess becoming drunk before they partook of the Lord’s Supper at the end of the celebration.  This is not the attitude or environment that is meant for the partaking of the communion service, it was certainly an “unworthy manner.”

I believe we have “rightly divided the word of truth” in our observation of the Lord’s Supper.  It is a time of reflection and examination that is needed for our spiritual health.

After seeing what it had become and what the Lord desired it to be, let’s go back and review Jesus’ teachings on this subject.

In the gospel of John chapter 6, Jesus fed the 5,000 with the 5 loaves of bread and two fish.  Despite trying to move away from the crowd, the next day they found Him anyway.  They were not seeking spiritual teaching, but all wanted to see another miracle and perhaps get a free meal.  Jesus desires His followers to be committed to Him, not just seeking to be entertained or amused.  Notice how He is able to turn away those who were not true believers.

John 6:25-31

·         It was very clear to Jesus that their motives were not pure.  His answer in verse 29 shows they lacked the basic faith that they needed.  (Heb.  11:6)

·         Their question of “What will You do today?” triggers a response from Jesus that required faith and commitment to grasp the true meaning.

John 6:32-33

·         Jesus reveals His origin to them and His mission.  They get hung up on the difference between physical food and spiritual food.



John 6:34-40

·         There is so much in this short passage that we could preach at great lengths on it alone.  Those who believe upon Jesus will no longer thirst or hunger spiritually.  Jesus is our spiritual livelihood along with all who believe in Him.

·         Here is where the doubt and unbelief begin to appear and Jesus quickly addresses it.

John 6:41-48

·         Notice Jesus using the term “I am.”

John 6:49-52

·         He has them stirred up now.

John 6: 53-59

·         The warning to them now is that unless you eat and drink of His body and blood “You have no life in you.”  That also is a sign to us of the importance of the communion service.  If we choose to ignore the spiritual food you need, like the physical food you need, you will die as well.

·         Look at the two different reactions Jesus receives from this.


·         Is our faith in Jesus great enough to follow even when we don’t understand?

·         “The words I speak to you are spirit and they are life.”

John 6:67-69

·         Peter’s famous reply of faith even in the times that it doesn’t make sense to you.

·         Jesus later explained this to the disciples at the last supper.

Luke 22:19-20

·         Our communion service has been put in place to remind us of the extreme price of our salvation.  Jesus gave His all for us.  It has been set so that once a week for a few moments our focus is solely and totally upon that fact, “I remembrance of Me.”  It is the only memorial we as NT Christians are commanded to observe.


·         Tonight we have revisited the fact that the communion service is also a spiritual life giving act of faith.  He is our “bread of life.”   This act is not only to honor and remind us of our Savior, but it gives us the spiritual food we need to survive.  The importance we place upon this act is proof that we believe in and are abiding with Christ and He with us.


John 6:56 “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in and I in Him.”

·         This shows the intimate relationship the communion service is designed to reinforce in each of us.  He, our Redeemer, not only died for us but also now lives and abides with us.

Lord, may our communion service always produce the affects you designed it for upon each of us.